Has Anyone Seen My Tennis Racket?


I’ve lost my tennis racket. It had a ’74 custom built rim and turquoise colored wires three of which were missing. I know what you’re thinking, “How could those tiny paws hold a racket let alone manage a backhand?” Let me tell you, usually MY tiny paws are capable of handling much more than YOUR tiny brain could possibly imagine, having said that, however… you’re right.

I don’t play tennis with it, instead I use it when I’m making my ‘famous in certain circles’ Mud Spaghetti à la Millie. Obviously, it’s not a delight that was meant for palates to cherish, distinguished or otherwise. It’s rather a visual carnival for eyes of class that know better. Lisa once said it looked even better than an actual plate of spaghetti. It’s such a shame that the china that I had served it on didn’t make it back to the shelf, though. Oh well… There are still 5 of them left. Who’s gonna notice, right?

Posted in All Posts, Millie's Diary.